All together...( album and thoughts)
This will, probably, by the most difficult chapter of my little " book " because it really looks more like a book than a "regular" webpage...Well,this is part because my mother told me once that she would have liked to write a book about our doggies as members of our family.She never treated them as "pets".they never were considered "living toys"...they simply were "family",some kind of siblings for my daughter and she is "Czarina"Rita with my daughter,in 1998.I am so proud of my daughter,for everything she achieved in her life and for her deep love and respect for animals.And I have to thank my mother for helping me raising my child in a respectfull and loving home.My mother loved us all, with the most sincere and deep love,humanly possible.She envelloped those little beings with so much warmth,compassion and respect that I cannot wonder why she was so devasteted after their departure.She never considered herselve superior to any other living creature because the life itself had a divine meaning for her.This is also probably why we couldn't tand the idea of living our dogs behind .So, they shared everything with us,never lacking their meals and always sleeping securely in an warm place,with us,always all the circumstances of our they are,A&T in 1990 in Switzerland..then playing's like a sermon they somehoe made to one as part....and they really ment it.(This is me with our "pack" in The Red Cross Camp in Lausanne.)They never gave us any sign of unhappiness because we don't have a car,or don't spend the winters on a tropical island...the unity of our family (pack) was essential...some food...a warm place to sleep...and everybody around...
I think we are not strong enough to learn from them...
They try to teach us so many things but it looks like we simply believe we,as humans know everything.Well maybe that's why there are so many pets...somehow,some of them can pass on the "message"...As I said,these little "monsters"...had unlimited access in our home...but of corse,they prefered spots from where they could watch evey movement...especially what was going on in the,in order to satisfy them there were cussions everywhere...what did I just tell you..."observation towers " everywhere.
And that little fellow had to investigate any object you had in your hands,and he also had to be in all the he had to be part of Rita's portrait....Well,I wrote a lot about going places with them,in Romania and in Switzerland...travelling with them...We really train....but not in,no,no.In Romania as well as in all other European countries,including Russia,dogs are allowed in trains without any restriction but to buy a 1/2 price ticket for a big size dog and of corse to make sure that your pet doesn't create problems....simple....Well,it was a different story to cross the Atlantic ocean.We had to buy dogcarriers for them,because there was already another little dog booked for the cabin on our flight and we didn't want to separate them.Here there are,our material belongings when we came to Canada. I would like to thank The SwissAirCompany for the good shape we found our dogs when we arrived at Pearson Airport in Toronto,Nov.1993.
The pilot himself assured us that in their compartment for animals,there is light,heat and good air,just like in the passengers cabin.He told us that nobody ever complaint about The Swissair,regarding the wellbeing of dogs.And he was right.We found them at the airport,a bit anxious of corse and excited but they both were OK.Thanks.There I am with litlle darlings in Lausanne and at the right,with the same "pumpkins" in Toronto.Before closing this chapter I will introduce you my
mother,Emilia Dana,a former actress in a Romanian theater.This very special human being who taught us love and respect and so many,many other wonderful things.Here she is,with me an our little dogs,sometimes in 1998
After the the little ones passed away,our place looked so empty,so quiet,We didn't know what to do with so much time...there were no dogmeals to cook,no more checking the list of drugs Toto had to take at specific more barking...just some pawprints on the snow on the balcony...We decided to take a "vacation' from having pets.We thought we could enjoy more ' freedom of movement" because we did do some sacrifice in or lifes,for their sake...and we struggled to live,by ourselves,so to speek...In the early summer my mother told me that she really would like another little,very little dog,with a completely different look,but "somebody" to take care of...and I just said..."wait for a while,maybe we'll move and in another place will be easier to deal with the presence of a another dog".simply because our place was so small...we've seen each other all the time,their presence was everywhere...Friday, July the 20th ,in the morning,she told me that she had a "vision" of a little beige,curly dog,sitting on her sofa and she asked him "Who sent you here ? Aiki and Toto?" and he moved his head as saying "Yes.""So, what do you want me to do ? To pet you ??" and when she approached him he dissipated in the thin air...She was very touched by this...And she insisted that we adopt a little dog...and again I said,OK,lets just wait for a little while...Saturday,July 21, 6am, six months after Aiki,my beloved mother died of a massive heart comments.
My daughter and I were devasteted.The "lightning" stroke us again.There are no words to explain the unexplainable.We stood still in the middle of our livingroom and we simply could get it.We were in complete disbelieve and denial.It was like we just landed on a desert planet with nobody to comfort us...nobody...Sometime,in August,we were watching Dr.Stanley Coren "Good Dog" broadcast...and there was a black puppy pug...and then my daughter,with tears in her eyes told me : "I wonder if that was the only love we were capable of?I'm sure that none of them will mind if we would rescue a dog in need." I said OK this time.And that's how and why Princess BIBI,a little female Pomeranian came in our lifes,August the 11,2001.